Single Site User License

Single User (Website) License

Hacker Blocker Firewall Updater service uses secure FTP connection to your dedicated server to update the CSF.deny file in your firewall. This protects all the websites on your server from millions of hackers, reported from thousands of web owners worldwide.

Includes consolidated IP addresses from reporting websites, honeypots and real-time attacks on our customers servers and websites. The more they attack us, the stronger we all become. Includes detection & reporting plugins for each WordPress or Joomla website to our Central Station for blocking.

Updates are from our central station, reviewed by top cybersecurity specialists before being uploaded to your server multiple times per day.

User license: 1 websites

Duration: 1 month
Price: $39.95
Hacker IP Blocker
For The Greater Good

Owned & Operated by

Hacker Blocker
Hudson, New Hampshire
(617) 819-5877
Hacker Blocker